© Copyright 2008 by Richard Turner-Warwick and Christopher Chapple, Functional Reconstruction of the Female Urinary Tract
ISBN #978-0-9671317-9-5
"The illustrations are amazingly beautiful and very clear...This is an absolute MUST for all urologists, gynaecologists and uro-gynaecologists or anyone dealing with reconstructive surgery, it is a fantastic publication, definitely one of the best, if not THE best, of its kind in the past decades."
European Urology Today, issue 2, 2004
"This remarkable text should be on the shelf of all surgeons practicing in the field who enjoy their 'trade', and it should be required reading for those in training. These are strong words but they reflect the fact that the principles embodied in this life-work by the lead author present philosophies and principles for practice that transcend any text previously published. This is an extremely personal book, reflecting as it does the opinions of the lead author, whom this reviewer believes created the field of 'reconstructive urology'."
BJU International, June, 2005
Winner 2002 AUA William P. Didusch Art Award